
Significance of Red Color in Spirituality

Significance of Red Color in Spirituality

Significance of the Red Color in Spirituality In real life, the color red can have various effects on a spiritual person or any other individual, both psychologically and emotionally. Here are some ways it might be helpful: 1. Energizing and Motivating: Red is a stimulating color that can boost energy levels and motivation. Having red […]

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Is there any scientific evidence of the existence of God?

Depending on how one defines God, the topic of whether there is scientific proof for his existence is up for debate. Science is concerned with the natural world and bases its conclusions on empirical data. On the other hand, the presence of God is often viewed as a question of faith and belief in the

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Some Arguments against Existence of God

Many people have questioned the existence of God throughout history. Some of the arguments against God’s existence are based on logic, evidence, or morality. Here are some of them: These are some of the arguments against the existence of God that have been proposed by various philosophers, scientists, and thinkers. They challenge the traditional religious

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“Vices” according to Sikhism (from my E-book)

The religion of Sikhs, also known as Sikhism, views vices as obstacles that prevent individuals from realizing their full spiritual potential and attaining union with the divine. In Sikhism, the five vices, also known as the “Five Evils,” are: Kaam (Lust): Kaam refers to excessive desire and attachment, particularly in regards to physical pleasure and

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